High alloy industrial valves
We design and produce high-alloy valves according to end user specifications in exotic alloys and nickel alloys such as 254 SMO, Duplex, 904L, Monel and many more. Installing a high alloy valve can solve difficulties of oxidation, corrosion, extreme temperatures and high pressure in harsh environments.

Our selection of high alloy and titanium materials
- 316 (EN 1.4436)
- 316L (EN 1.4435)
- 904L (EN 1.4539)
- 254 SMO (EN 1.4547)
- Duplex (EN 1.4462)
- Superduplex (EN 1.4410)
- Titanium ASTM grade 2 and grade 5
- Hastelloy C-276
- Alloy 20 ASTM A265
- Inconel
- Monel

Valve types we offer in exotic materials
- Ball valves
- Check valves
- Ball Sector valves
- Butterfly valves
- Gate valves
- Vacuum valves
- Globe valves
Alloy comparison guide
When choosing the right valve material for your process it is important to be aware of its inherent characteristics. Down below you find a comparison between some of the alloys we use to manufacture valves.
Standard name
EN 1.4404, UNS S31603/S31600
Paper and pulp, Food industry, marine and chemical applications etc. Listed in NACE MR-0175-3 with PREN 23 to 28.
- Susceptible to pitting and crevice corrosion compared to advance steels.
- Low cost alternative to 904l to less corrosive environment.
- Perform up to mass concentration up to 1.5 % in Hydrochloric acid up to 80 degree.
- Tests have shown that it can perform only up to 1000 ppm chloride concentration at varied temperatures up to 90 degree, but susceptible to corrosion at higher concentrations.
Standard name
EN 1.4539, UNS N0
Chemical industry, sea water applications, petrochemical industry etc. Listed in NACE MR-0175-3 with PREN between 32-40.
- Similar corrosion resistant with replaceable Duplex 2205. Intermediate corrosion resistance but superior than 316L.
- Good for dilute sulfuric acid, phosphoric and other organic acids.
- Better performance than Duplex 2205 in hydrochloric acid up to mass concentration up to 2.5% up to 80 degree.
- Tests have shown that above 904L has good pitting resistance in chloride chloride(10000 ppm) but susceptible to Crevice corrosion.
Duplex 2205
Standard name
EN 1.4462, UNS S32205/S31803
Extraction of oil and gas, scrubbing applications, food industry, sea water applications etc. Listed in NACE-MR0175-3 with PREN between 31-38.
- Likely to get attacked by Pitting and crevice corrosion in aggressive media compared to 254SMO.
- High corrosion resistant in corrosive media but susceptible in severe conditions compared to 254SMO.
- Intermediate performance between 904L and 254SMO in hydrochloric acid up to mass concentration up to 2% up to 75 to 80 degrees.
- Comparatively less superior pitting and crevice corrosion resistance results from 254SMO but similar results as 904L in chloride concentrations.
Super Duplex
Standard name
EN 1.4410, UNS: S32750
Seawater applications, paper, and pulp industry, pressure vessels, storage tanks, pipes containing chlorides in process industries, Heat exchangers, handling of oil and gas, desalination equipment etc. It is also used in offshore applications in the oil and gas industry and stated as a versatile material.
- It is used above 150 degrees Celsius temperature in the caustic environment in oil and gas industries, paper pulp industries, and in processing alumina. • Listed in NACE-MR0175-3 with PREN between 38-48.
- High mechanical strength in aggressive media with excellent pitting and crevice corrosion resistance • High intermediate heat resistance between 600 to 950 degrees celsius, but embrittlement can occur at 475 degrees celsius.
- Usage above 316 degrees celsius can cause a decrease in toughness and corrosion resistance of the steel.
- Test in 6% FeCl3 over 24 hours have shown that critical crevice temperature and critical pitting temperature for both SMO254 and Super duplex 2507 is approximately the same. CCT (Critical Crevice Temperature) ~ 80-degree celsius CPT (Critical Pitting Temperature) ~ 50-degree celsius
- Performs good in sulphuric (2000ppm) and hydrochloric acid with less corrosion rate compared to 254SMO.
- It is resistant to chloride stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue in general acids.
Standard name
EN 1.4547, UNS S31254
Versatile to use in cryogenic to high temperature applications in sea water, food industry, oil and gas industry, marine applications, Pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry etc. Listed in NACE-MR0175-3 with PREN between 42-45, which is highest of other conventional steels and duplex 2205.
- Outstanding pitting and crevice corrosion resistance in sea water and other aggressive corrosive media for longer period.
- Performs best with complex geometries and in aggressive corrosive environments such as chloride, Hydrochloric acid, formic acid, nitric acid and varied sea water concentrations.
- Better performance than Duplex 2205 in hydrochloric acid until mass concentration of about 3% up to approx. 90 degree Celsius.
- Tests have proven that 254SMO has excellent pitting and crevice corrosion resistance in chloride concentration* of 10000 ppm and above between temperature range 20 to 90-degree Celsius.
Titanium Grade 2
Standard name
TiGr2 / UNS R50400
- Marine industry, Desalination, Chemical processing, oil and gas components, tubing and piping, pressure vessels and Flanges.
- Can be used continuously at service temperature of 800 F and intermittently up to 1000 F.
- Used for 3D printed parts for Marine chemical parts, heat exchangers and condenser tubing.
- Excellent Corrosion resistant to corrosion and oxidation
- Moderate strength, Excellent weldability, and Formability
- Stronger than Grade 1 but has same corrosion resistance
- Widely used for variety of application and widely available
- Resistant to chlorides, hypochlorite and chlorites, organic acids, chromic and nitric acids, sea water and marine atmosphere.
- Grade 2 has greater corrosion resistance than grade 5
Titanium Grade 5
Standard name
TiGr5 / 6AL-4V TI / UNS R56400
- Used in 3D printing of parts, resistant to acid and oxidation with light weight and high strength.
- Used for 3D printed parts for chemical industry, gas turbines, marine applications. And tooling additive manufacturing applications.
- Said as Versatile alloy, commercially available from all other alloys
- Ductile, high strength, formable, heat treatable, fabricable.
- Service Temperatures: 600F